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Monday, 29 May 2017

Ramdev's big blow, many product 'Patanjali' fails in quality test

Ramdev's big blow, many product 'Patanjali' fails in quality test:-

Patanjali product of yoga guru Baba Ramdev is being used today with every house. If you are also using Patanjali's product as 100% pure, then this news is very important to you. Indeed, many of Patanjali's products have failed in the quality test. According to the report of Hindustan Times, this information was given in response to the information received under Right to Information (RTI). The products of 'Patanjali' have been tested by the lab of the Uttarakhand government.

According to the report, about 40 percent of Ayurveda products, including Patanjali's products, were not found in accordance with the standard in Ayurveda and Greek offices of Haridwar. Out of 82 samples gathered between 2013 and 2016, 32 products could not pass quality test. Patanjali's 'Divine Amla Juice' and 'Shivlingi Seed' are among those products which were not found according to quality standards. Let me tell that the canteens of the army last month had banned Patlaji's Aumla juice. This action was taken by the Army on the failure of Patanjali's product in a quality check conducted by the West Bengal Health Laboratory.

According to the Labor Report of the Uttarakhand government, the pH amount was less than the limit fixed in Amla juice. Acidity and other health problems arise when pH is less than 7 It was also learned from the reply of RTI that 31.68 percent of Shivlingi seed was foreigner. However, Acharya Balkrishna, managing director of Ramdev's associate and Patanjali, has rejected the Lab report. In the conversation with HT, he said, "Shivalinga seed is a natural seed. How can we tamper it? "Balkrishna claimed that the lab report is an attempt to spoil Patanjali's image.

Apart from Patanjali's products, other 18 samples of Ayurveda such as Unipatikra powders, Tulsidaya powders, Pushyunuga powder, salt Bhaskar powder, Yograj Guggulu and Lakshmi Guggulu were also not found according to the standards.

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